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Knowledge Assessment

If you do not have a qualification, a combination of qualifications, or overseas registration that we recognise as meeting the required educational standard for Washington Accord, we can assess if you have gained the equivalent level of knowledge via other means throughout your career. This could be achieved by further education or on the job learning, but is usually a combination of both.

Why do you need a Knowledge Assessment?

There are two reasons you may need a Knowledge Assessment:


1. You are planning to immigrate to New Zealand

Immigration New Zealand may ask you to provide a letter from us certifying that you meet the benchmark requirements to apply for registration as a Chartered Professional Engineer in New Zealand. The benchmark is a Washington Accord-accredited qualification or equivalent knowledge. To get a letter, we’ll need to check your credentials. ​


2. You would like to apply to become a Chartered Member or a Chartered Professional Engineer

To be eligible to apply to be Chartered you must have a Washington Accord-accredited qualification (In New Zealand this is an accredited 4-year Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)) or be able to demonstrate equivalent knowledge.​


Whether you are immigrating, or wanting to apply for CPEng, we will need to determine whether you have a Washington Accord-accredited qualification. In both situations, your first step is to request a credential check. If your credential check with us finds that you don’t have a Washington Accord-accredited qualification or recognised equivalent knowledge, we can then assess whether you have gained the equivalent level of knowledge via other means. ​


To demonstrate that you’ve gained the equivalent level of knowledge, you’ll need to complete our knowledge assessment. You’ll need to show you have a level of technical knowledge and understanding gained through your work and learning that is equivalent to that of a Washington Accord-accredited qualification. 

Knowledge Assessment pathways

There are two Knowledge Assessment pathways: 


Standard Knowledge Assessment

This option is for all applicants who do not need their application fast tracked for immigration.


Fast-tracked Knowledge Assessment

This option is only available to applicants who need a Knowledge Assessment for immigration purposes.​​

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